Drawing Dream – Bleeding Tissue Paper Art

*Mini Class video coming at the end

I’ve read that children can start having dreams in the night from about 2 years old and it can reach a peak at the preschool stage. 

Does your child have a dream often? 

Does s/he talk about it?

I designed a fun activity around dream this week. 

If your child has a dream in the night often, you would want to try this activity with your child. 

Draw the Dream that You Had


  • White drawing paper
  • Sharpie 
  • White crayon
  • Bleeding tissue papers (various colours)
  • Paint brush
  • Water

What To Do

  • Ask your child if s/he had a dream recently. 

Was it a pleasant one?

Ask questions and use this opportunity to listen to your child and have a good conversation.

Was it a scary one?

Ask questions and let your child talk about it. Talking about scary nightmares in the daytime can weaken the fear and scary feelings. Make sure that you help your child understand that it was a dream that happened during the sleep and when s/he is awake from sleep, s/he is fine. Reassure your child. 

  • After that, your child can draw the dream. 

Of course, only do this when your child is okay to recall the dream and draw. 

Drawing Dream With Marker
Drawing Dream With Marker

For my first drawing, I used a black Sharpie. We need to use Sharpie (permanent marker) because the paper will be wetted.

  • When drawing is done, dip the paint brush in water and coat the paper with water. 
Coating The Paper With Water
  • Give pieces of bleeding tissue papers.

S/he can just rip it with hands and put small pieces onto the paper. They will stay well on the paper because the paper is wet. 

Bleeding Tissue Paper Art
Bleeding Tissue Art
Bleeding Tissue Paper Art
Spraying Water With A Spray

I tried with a spray bottle to fix the bleeding tissue paper on the background paper, but it doesn’t work well. The spray blew all the tissue papers.😵 Just use the paint brush.

  • When the paper with drawing is soaking wet, put it on the side and let it dry.
Wet Drawing

For my second drawing, I used a white crayon. 

Drawing With White Crayon

This time, you can ask your child what s/he wants to see in the dream and ask to draw them on the paper. 

The next step is the same. You will wet the paper and stick pieces of bleeding tissue papers on it. For a white crayon drawing, I recommend covering the whole paper with bleeding tissue papers. It makes the drawing shows up better. 

Covering Whole Paper With Bleeding Tissue Papers
Wet Tissue Papers
Bleeding Tissue Paper Art

Light blue coloured tissue papers didn’t really transfer the colour here.

Bleeding Tissue Paper Art

I drew a rainbow, dolphin, flowers and stars. Can you see them? 😁

Through this activity, your child can overcome the nightmares in the past and practice to have pleasant and funny dreams in the future. 

If your child is old enough to talk about a dream – something that you wish to happen, you can talk about it as an extended activity as well.


🦄 Do you want to do this activity with Missangela?

🦄 Get your materials ready and let’s do it together!

Happy learning and quality time!

Missangela 👩🏻🎀