Ice Exploration – Summer Outdoor Activity

*Mini Class video coming at the end

It’s already mid-August! 

We have only a few weeks of warm weather left with us. 😭 I learned to enjoy fall a little more (I used to hate fall) but I can’t not be sad about having a shorter daytime. 

How about you? Do you like summer time or winter time?

If you are sad about summer being almost gone like me, do this ice activity with your child and have one more fun summer day. 😊

Ice Exploration

It’s an exploration setup.

No need to teach any techniques.


  • Ice (Use all different kinds of ice molds you have! Different shapes add more fun. I made ice balls, small cubes and big cubes.)
  • Watercolour palette 
  • Paint brush
  • A cup of water (To rinse the paint brush between colours)
  • Optional (Cups, bowls, tongs, spoons etc.)
Ice Cubes/Balls
Ice Cubes/Balls
Ice And Watercolour Paint

What To Do

Just invite your child to the setup and let her/him play.

Painting Ice Ball With Watercolour Paint

Coloured Ice Balls
Making Ice Cream In A Cup

Tip: Put a coloured ice ball/cube in a cup of water to remove the paint. You can teach this tip if your child wants to change the colour of an ice ball. 😉

Painting A Small Ice Cube
Sensory & Exploration Fun

Possible Learning

Sensory exploration

Ice melting with time

Holding and moving different shapes of ice with different tools (hand, tong, bowl etc.)

Colouring ice 

How the paint works on ice

Dramatic play (making drinks, ice creams or whatever you can imagine!) 

Things to Say/Ask to Encourage Learning

How does the ice cube feel?

Do you like to touch them?

What can we do with the paint?

There are some cups. Do you want to use them?

How many ice balls will fit in the bowl?

Look at the coloured water at the bottom.

What can we do with a spoon?

These are just suggestions. Refer to this if your child doesn’t know what to do at the exploration table. 

Ice Exploration Play

This play is simple but it can be very very fun for toddlers and preschoolers.

Just remember to prepare ice balls/cubes a night before and try this play with your child.😀


Do you want to do it with Missangela?

Get your materials and join in the Mini Class!

( (+) You will learn a lemonade clapping game as well 😆)

Happy learning and quality time!

Missangela 👩🏻🎀