Colour Blue – How Do You Feel?

Do you use the phrase “feel blue”?

I personally don’t use that phrase (🙄) because it doesn’t feel right for me. 

Colour blue doesn’t feel sad to me!

To me, grey is more close to the sad feeling.

How about you?

What colour do you associate with sad feeling?

In this week’s Mini Class,

I talk about how the colour blue is used to represent sadness sometimes and guide children to think about their feelings about colour blue.

Try this activity with your preschooler.

Intentional focusing and thinking is an essential skill that we want our children to develop.

Thinking About Colour Blue

After the “mindful moment” ⤴️, I encourage you to try making a blue art with your child.

Collect any blue materials in the house that can be used in crafts. 

Like blue feathers, blue construction papers and blue markers. 

Your child can make any blue things on a paper.

Blue Art

And the important part!

Let your child write her/his feeling about the colour blue at the bottom of the blue art. 

You can let her/him copy your writing or you can print the words and let your child cut and glue them.

This is to help children understand the concept better that colour can bring feelings, and also to increase their self-esteem by making a tangible thing out of their thoughts. 

Show your child a different way to play with colours.🌈

Happy learning and quality time!

Missangela 👩🏻🎀