Exploring Herbs

Mint is one of my favourite herbs and I also like mint flavours in food. Like mint chocolates, mint chocolate chip ice cream and peppermint candy canes. 

A few days ago, I was working at the cafe and I had a chance to prepare mint leaves for hot mint teas. I got a big bunch of mint leaves and I had to strip each leaf off the stems. 

Oh the smell of mint leaves.💚

It was like quantum leaping to an open, peaceful and secret garden for me. 

I’m pretty sensitive to smells and scents. Hehe.

Have you ever felt like quantum leaping when you smell something? 

Anyway, it felt so good and I immediately thought that I had to make a play to do with herbs.

So here it is.🫱

Exploring Herbs

(Exploration table)


  • Herbs with stems
  • Plates/bowls
  • Scissors

How To

 This is an exploration table so we just want to place the main material, herbs, on the table with some tools. 

Parsley, Dill and Thyme
Setup Table for Exploring Herbs

Strip off the leaves from stem with hand.

Tear the leaf with hand.

Try cutting the leaf with scissors.

Make big pieces and small pieces.

Try with different kinds of herb leaves. 

Exploring Herbs
Exploring Herbs Activity

If you are gonna be sitting beside your child, you can ask questions like these.

How does it feel when you strip off the leaves?

How does the herb leaf feel?

Do you smell anything?

Do they have the same smell?

Do all the leaves rip well?

Which one is the softest?

Which one has the strongest smell?

Which one do you like the best? Why?

Sorting Herbs

After some exploration time, you can give photos of different herbs that you prepared.

You can find photos from internet and print them out. 

Spread the photos on the table and ask your child if s/he can sort the leaves.

It’s okay if all the leaves were ripped or cut. That will make this play more challenging and more fun. You can give a magnifying glass if you have. 

Sorting Herbs
Sorting Herbs

Learning Goals

Exploring with five senses

✦ Using tools (scissors)



✦ Being mindful



Calming mind 

If you have a garden to grow herbs, starting from planting herbs and moving to the next level of  growing, cutting and doing this activity would be a great long-term project. 😃 I might try this activity again when I get herbs in my own garden in summer! 

Happy learning and quality time!

Teacher Gela 👩🏻🎀