Are You Being a Nice (Always-there) Mom or Helicopter Parenting?

Do you know the word “helicopter parenting”? 

“Helicopter parenting” is a parenting style where the parent pays extremely close attention to her/his child’s experiences, over-protecting, over-controlling and being overly involved. 

I had some situations recently that made me think about helicopter parenting and I’m sharing my thoughts about it in this week’s podcast episode.

I don’t think there is a right or wrong way in parenting. Everyone is different and every family is different. You are the one who knows what’s the best for your child.  

But I want to say that helicopter parenting may reduce the opportunities for your child to practice independence therefore reduce the opportunities to develop her/his self-esteem. 

I tell you about some situations that I observed and show you what can be done differently. Listen to the episode and learn what you can do to raise an independent and confident child. 


If you are interested in a class that is specifically designed to develop children’s independence, check this one.

Happy learning and quality time! 

Teacher Gela