Teach How to Be Ourselves to your Little One – Book “Be You”

There are many things that we want to tell our children as they grow up. 

But if you want your child to be a strong human being among all other things, this lesson would be the one that you never want to miss. 

“Be you.”

“You do you.”

I’m sure you know how this is important as an adult. 

We are living in a world there are so many different people and so many different thoughts. Actually it gets harder and harder as we get older to remember ourselves and to live as our authentic self. 

I think it’s a lesson that we can teach from really young age, even though it may be a little hard to understand at first. 

That’s why I chose this book “Be You” to introduce you this week. 

Book “Be You” by Peter H. Reynolds
Book “Be You” by Peter H. Reynolds

After reading the book for myself, I loved the book but I had many thoughts. 

It covers good points and it is encouraging and the illustrations are nice! But it’s a bit hard for toddlers and preschoolers. 😢

Maybe many people think that the topic itself is too hard and early for young children. But I don’t think so. I want to teach this to my students whatever age they are. So! I read the book in my own words!😃 With easier words and more explanations. It got a little longer than the original book but you and your child will enjoy it. I encourage you to get an actual book though because the pictures help a lot to understand the contents. 

Episode 63 – Teacher Gela Podcast
Your Face, My Face Exercise

If you want to make the lesson stay long in your child’s mind, you have to go one more step.

Make a photo chart!

Your Face, My Face Activity Template by Everyday Funny

Take photos of you and your child, and tape them in the chart.

Tape the chart somewhere your child sees often.

Song about being you

Song “I Love Me” by Miss Katie Sings 

This is a song that you can learn and sing together with your child, to remember today’s lesson. 

Happy learning and quality time!

Teacher Gela