[Play with Story] Book “Mud Puddle” by Robert Munsch

I wanted to make an activity set related to rain because it’s March and we have quite many rainy days at this time.

While I was looking for books about rain, I found this book ” Mud Puddle” by Robert Munsch.

It is not very short, so it would be more appropriate for preschoolers.

It’s a fun story about mud puddle jumping on a girl named Jule Ann.

Read the book together with your child first and then ask her/him if s/he wants to make mud puddle!๐Ÿ˜†

You Can Do #1

Make slime mud puddle.


I used 1:1:1 ratio (liquid glue : hot water : solution (water with 1 tsp of Borax)) and put them on a baking tray covered with parchment paper.

Do the sensory play. Slime is just so fun to touch, feel, stretch, cut, break and connect again with hands!

Bring some block play people (not the soft people – in case of slime sticking on people).

For the white one, I used slightly less Borax and it was more stretchy but also more sticky. It’s interesting to play with if children are playing only with their hands. To play with the block people or some other toys, make your slime not too sticky with enough amount of Borax.

Your child can do dramatic play with the play people and slime mud puddle.

You Can Do #2

Add background pictures.

Look at the pictures in the book again. If your child likes to draw scenes or objects by herself/himself, give them a paper and crayons to draw. If your child is too young or just don’t want to try drawing, here are some pre-drawn pictures I made. ๐Ÿ˜‰

You can click the photos, print and give your child to colour.


I am not very good at drawing. ๐Ÿ˜… But I wanted to give you some pre-made resources so this activity is not overwhelming and simple enough for you to just try. If you are having your “quality time” with your child and want to be more engaged in the activity, try drawing some scenes. Or you can draw and your child can colour. While drawing and colouring, don’t forget to talk about the story! Retelling is a great way for developing understanding, comprehension skills and speaking skills.

You Can Do #3

Make a stage for the story.

Look for a shallow cardboard box or a box lid to make a stage.


Put the slime mud puddle on a big tray; if you don’t have a tray, you can try covering the inside of the box with parchment paper or plastic wrap.

Tape the background pictures around the edges of box.

Play with the play people or retell the story!


Please understand that my actual setting picture is not exactly the same as my drawing๐Ÿ˜… I didn’t have a box lid and the block play people with me. But you got the concept, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Use whatever available at your house. It doesn’t need to be perfect to play and have fun.๐Ÿ˜œ

You Can Do #4

Footstep art.

Put some brown paint on a plate.

Bring the play people or animals and a drawing paper.

Make people’s and animals’ footsteps with brown paint

Make up a story while you are playing ๐Ÿ’ญ๐Ÿ’ญ๐Ÿ’ฌ๐Ÿ˜บ

After reading the book, try one or two of the activities. Observe your child, find what parts of the activity s/he is interested in and don’t be afraid to change the direction. Follow your child’s direction – just as much as you can ๐Ÿ˜

