
Bubble Play || Book “A Whale in The Bathtub”

*Mini Class video coming at the end

This week’s activity is also designed around a storybook. 

The book “A Whale in The Bathtub” is just a fun little story about a boy who finds a whale in his bathtub. Although he tells his family about the whale, no one believes him. The boy can’t take a bath because the big whale is in the bathtub. With the whale’s clever idea, however, the boy finally gets a shower. 😉

Book “A Wale In The Bathtub”

This book can be found on Youtube. If you can’t get the actual book, check the Youtube. It’s an easy and fun story to read with children. 

After reading the book, try a bubble play!🧼🛁

Who doesn’t like to play with bubbles? I still love to make bubbles when I’m with children.😄 

Bubble Play


  • Small containers
  • Liquid watercolours / acrylic paints
  • Straw
  • Dish soap / hand soap (liquid)
  • Papers
Materials For Bubble Play

What To Do

Ask your child how to make bubbles.

Think about when you wash your hands. Do you see bubbles when you wash your hands? What do you use when you wash your hands?

In a small container, add a little bit of water, about 1/4 of the container. (In the photos below, the containers are filled halfway but it was too much and I poured out half of the water later.)

Add liquid watercolour or acrylic paint in the water. This is an optional part. It’s just to make it more interesting.

As your child guessed (😉), add some liquid soap in the water and whisk it. 

Whisk it slow and whisk it fast. → experiment!

How much bubble can you make? How can we make bigger bubbles?

Tell your child that you can make bigger and more bubbles if you use a straw! 

Teach your child how to blow with a straw. After your child learns how to blow with a straw, s/he can put the straw in the soap and water mixture and blow. 

Observe how the bubbles are created from the mixture. 

Blowing Bubbles With A Straw

The process of making bubbles like this is just fun.😆 Different colours add even more fun!

Prepare a plate or tray to put the bubbles/foam on. 

Making Bubbles And Playing

Let your child have fun making her/his own colourful bubbles and playing with them.

Making And Playing With Bubbles

If your child starts to lose interest in the bubble making process, try making a bubble art.

Bubble Art

To do the bubble art, the soapy water has to have a colour. 

You can use either liquid watercolour (or food colouring will work, too) or acrylic paint. I recommend to use acrylic paints though, because they give more vivid colours to the bubbles. You need to add QUITE A LOT of paint actually to have beautiful bubble marks. 

Just make bubbles in the same way with the straw.

When the bubbles are made on top of the container, bring a small piece of paper and cover the container with the paper piece – fast, not slowly! 

Make bubbles again and cover it with the paper again. 

Repeat with different colours of soapy water. 

Bubbles With Acrylic Paint
Bubbles With Acrylic Paint
Bubble Art

Let the papers dry. 

Bubble Art

This is when they were completely dry. Can you see the bubble marks?😃

Don’t forget that children learn from the process! Give enough time for your child to try, observe, experiment and find new things


🦄 Do you want to do this activity with Missangela?

🦄 Get your materials and let’s do it!

Happy learning and quality time!
