Christmas Story with Songs – with Book “Olivia Helps with Christmas”

Being happy and having fun is an important part of life. 

That’s why I made this week’s episode.😊

I used the book “Olivia Helps with Christmas” by Ian Falconer as the main story of this lesson. Throughout the story I added four different children Christmas songs. Can you imagine what it is like?

Play the podcast episode or watch the video version on Youtube below.

I talked as if I was talking to children directly and leading the play.

Christmas Story with Songs – with Book “Olivia Helps with Christmas” by Everyday Funday
Book “Olivia Helps with Christmas” by Ian Falconer
Songs I used
  1. “The Dancing Christmas Tree Song” by Kids TV 123
  2. “Waiting Waiting” (Tune: Rolly Polly)
  3. “Jingle Bells” by The Learning Station  
  4. “Christmas Freeze Dance” by Kiboomer

If you want to have the cue cards that I made so that you can use while you are reading the book with your child, join in our email list. If you reply to the welcome email with the subject “Christmas Story with Songs”, I’ll email the link for the cards to you. 🙂

Happy learning and quality time!

Teacher Gela