I would like to introduce a fun summer snack today.
Fruit soup!
Have you ever tried a fruit soup? My mom made it often in summer time when I was young. It’s a cool and sweet summer treat.
In addition to the tastiness of fruit soup, it has many good elements for young children. Let me show you how you can have a good quality time and give your child an opportunity to practice different skills.
Ingredients To Prepare
- Big size fruits (watermelon/honeydew/cantaloupe)
- Sprite or fruit juice (watermelon/cranberry/or any kind you like)

Materials You Need
- Small fruit/vegetable cutter shapes
- Small stick (to take the fruit piece out of cutter)
- Cups/bowls
- Spoons

What To Do
First, you have to prepare the fruits for your child to work with them.
Cut the fruit in half or quarter. Make sure that it has enough space for your cutter shapes.
Slice them.
I sliced them in about 1cm. If it’s too thick, it’s hard to cut and hard to eat later as well.

Give slices of fruits and cutter shapes to your child, and ask to make shapes out of fruits.

🍉 Independence ★★
🍉 Confidence ★★
🍉 Fine motor skills
🍉 Problem solving (taking the fruit piece out of cutter)
🍉 Learning shapes
🍉 Counting
When the fruits are all cut, put them into different cups/bowls.

Add Sprite or juice to the cups/bowls.
You can let your child help with pouring juice if you want.

I added peach iced tea and Perrier (carbonated water) and I liked it.
But if you like it sweet, you can add some sweet fruit juice or sugar. Mine was not so sweet but very refreshing.
Now eat it with spoon!
As you eat with your child, talk about different shapes and how it was like to make the fruit soup.

Watch Mini Class video to see how you can do this activity as a dramatic play!
Happy learning and quality time!