I have a simple activity for your quality time this week.
You don’t need many things to do this but I want you to stand up now and start looking around your house. You need to find an empty picture frame!🖼
If you have another clear glass material, you can use that, too, but a frame would make a richer lesson.
Draw and Erase over the Sun
What you need
- an empty picture frame
- Markers (any kinds you have that work on glass)
- Picture of sun
- Construction papers in different colours
What to do
- Put a coloured construction paper inside the frame
- On top of the glass part, draw anything with markers
- Try putting different coloured construction papers inside for different moods and environments
- Try putting a picture of sun inside the frame

When you put a picture of sun inside and draw as a last step, you can tell your child about the lesson.
“Do you know that when the sun comes up every morning, it means it’s a new day and it’s a new opportunity to try things? We can try things that we haven’t finished the day before, or we can try totally new things.”
“What are you drawing for today(’s sun)?”
Book “A Busy Day for Birds” by Lucy Cousins

This is a book that can go with the lesson.
It shows different kinds of birds and what they do in their day. They are ordinary things but is’t the doing ordinary things and feeling happy what we want in most days of our life? 😊
After reading the book, talk about the birds’ day and your days as well.
Song “The Sun”

Listen to the episode 61 of Teacher Gela Podcast and learn all the details of this activity.
Mindful Moment for you and your child
This is Mindful Moment in video format. If you want to check this out, click here.

If you want to use my pictures, join in the Everyday Funday email list and wait for them to be delivered next Thursday (August 22, 2024)

Happy learning and quality time!
Teacher Gela