Easy Halloween Art for Toddlers

Have you ever heard this pumpkin song before?

Have You Ever Seen a Pumpkin?

Have you ever seen a pumpkin? A pumpkin. A pumpkin.

Have you ever seen a pumpkin that grows on a vine.

A round one, a tall one, a bumpy one, a squashed one.

Have you ever seen a pumpkin that grows on a vine.

This is lyrics that I found on the internet in the past so I am not sure who first made it. But I love to use this song with toddlers since it is very simple and easy. You can use this lyrics to the tune of “Did You Ever See A Lassie?”.

  1. teach this song to your child. You can add some actions! Sing together multiple times.

2. Talk about the different kinds of pumpkin. A round one, a tall one, a bumpy one and a squashed one. If you show the photos of real pumpkins, it will be easier to understand. If you have real pumpkins of different kinds, super! Use them here!

3. Bring some drawing and colouring materials to the table. Say “let’s try drawing them. Can you draw a round one? How can we draw a round pumpkin?”

Drawing A Round Pumpkin.

I like the combination of black Sharpie marker and watercolour, so that’s what I set up 😜

Try drawing a tall pumpkin, a bumpy pumpkin and a squashed pumpkin as well.

Drawing Different Kinds Of Pumpkins.
Watercolored Pumpkin.
Watercolored Pumpkins.

Add words to describe different kinds of pumpkin. It’s just showing children that there are different words to describe different characters.

Cut-Out Shapes.

To make it more like Halloween, cut different shapes out of construction papers and put them out for your child to choose to make a face on pumpkin. They can be glued on the pumpkins after they are dry. Turning our pumpkins into Jack-o-lantern! 🎃

Watercolored Pumpkins.

Simple and not scary Halloween activity for our little toddlers!

Happy Halloween!👻
