*Mini Class video coming at the end
Yesterday, I went to a grocery store and saw many fall colours at the door.😍 There were decorations and plants for fall gardening. Yellow, orange, white, dark purple and brown. Those fall colours were so refreshing.
I love flowers so I decided to buy a small pot of Chrysanthemum for me.

I bought this pink/purple one. Pretty, huh?
I want to introduce an activity you can do with this Chrysanthemum this week.
Fall Flower, Chrysanthemum
What You Need
- Chrysanthemum (or any other fall flowers actually)
- White drawing papers
- Drawing materials (markers, crayons etc.)
- Play-dough
- Pipe-cleaners
- scissors
What You Can Do
- Have an observation time
You can give your child a magnifying glass if you have one at home.

- Talk about the flower (Chrysanthemum).
What colour is the flower? Is it one colour or multiple colours?
What shape is the petal?
How many petals does one flower have?
Where is a stem? Is it thick or thin?
What shape is the leaf?

- Try drawing the flower (Chrysanthemum).
Give your child a white drawing paper and some drawing materials like markers and crayons.
Because your child had a time to observe and talk about the flower’s characteristics, s/he would be able to try drawing it by herself/himself.

- Try making the flower with pipe-cleaners.
Give your child a chance to think about how s/he can represent the flower with pipe-cleaners.
If your child comes up with an idea, let her/him pursue her/his idea.
If your child doesn’t have an idea, you can suggest this way.

On the flower spot, put a ball of play-dough.
Cut pipe-cleaners into small pieces and stick them into the ball of play-dough, so that they form the shape of a blooming Chrysanthemum.

Try making Chrysanthemums in different colours with different colours of pipe-cleaners.
Use a template to make Chrysanthemum.

You can laminate the template or just put it in a ziplock bag to let your child play with it.

Objectives of Activity
Fine-motor skills
Learning about the real world (weather change, season change)
This week, I wanted to show you that just a pot of fall flower can be a great learning resource for our young children. Go buy a pot of fall flower or a bouquet of fall flowers. You can enjoy the feeling of fall and your child can play and learn. 😍
Sing the Fall Flower Chrysanthemum song with Missangela.
Happy learning and quality time!
Missangela 👩🏻🎀