Fun Interactive Play with Poems with Book “Poems Aloud”

Do you like reading poems with your child?

Maybe some nursery rhymes?

I love using nursery rhymes in the classroom because they are short and fun. 

But how about long poems? 

It’s not easy to find long poems that are written for children. But a few days ago, I found this book.

Book “Poems Aloud” by Joseph Coelho & Daniel Gray-Barnett
Book “Poems Aloud” by Joseph Coelho (Author) and Daniel Gray-Barnett (Illustrator)

This book is also not written for young children. It is more intended for school-aged children. 

So it’s not a good book to just leave in your child’s bookshelf and hope your child to enjoy it by himself/herself. 

But, it can be a really good book for a quality time.

The poems in this book are including many rhyming words, sound words, descriptive words and emotional words, so they can help you and your child to be in the scene and be imaginative. 

There are 20 poems inside the book according to the description on the online book store. Although I was not able to see all the poems, I found some really nice ones and I talk about them in the episode 88 of Teacher Gela Podcast. 

From the episode 88, you’ll be able to learn some specific ways to use those poems in your quality time. 

Happy learning and quality time!

Teacher Gela