Holiday Card

How did you celebrate the New Year? I know. Most of the things are the same. Pandemic is still here and we still cannot go outside or meet our families and friends comfortably. It’s sad but we have to go through it, ………right? So how about sharing some warm greetings with people we care about, celebrating the new year?

Making and sending a holiday card is a perfect way to share the wishes in this time of physical distancing.😉 Plus, your children will be practicing creativity and fine motor skills while making the cards.

Holiday Card Making Activity


  • construction papers
  • scrap papers
  • scissors
  • glue (liquid)
  • pipe cleaners
  • crayon
  • marker
  • optional: confetti, loose parts, jewels etc.

Children can definitely make whatever they want to make on their cards. Just leave the materials out on the table and suggest making a holiday card. If your child doesn’t seem to know what to make, you can share your ideas.

This is a New Year’s Eve Scavenger Hunt activity that I made.

You can find this kind of New Year’s Day celebrating symbols on internet and show your child to give some ideas.

Here I’m going to show you how they can make a party popper.

Holiday Card Making Activity

I used a triangle shape for the party popper – like the one in the image, but it can be any shape.

Learn how to write the new year in numbers.

Cut a pipe cleaner into three pieces. If you have metallic pipe cleaners, this is a perfect time to use them. 😆

Grab a crayon with one hand and with the other hand, coil a pipe cleaner around the crayon. Gently take the coiled pipe cleaner away from the crayon. “Ta-da! This is how we can make spiral confetti!” Let your child experiment this. They can try with a short pipe cleaner and a long pipe cleaner. They can try wrapping the pipe cleaner tightly or loosely.

Tip: Make sure they have some short ones because they are easier to be glued in the next step. 😉

Spiral Pipe Cleaners

Another thing that we can add to our party popper is circle confettis. Make circle confettis with a hole punch and scrap papers.

When they made enough confettis, they can start gluing them on the card.

Holiday Card Making Activity

Tip: Pipe cleaners will stick to the paper when the glue is completely dry. Just make sure to put a generous amount of glue and not to touch them until they are dry.

Holiday Card Making Activity

The point of this activity is experimenting with pipe cleaners and having fun making a spiral confetti, and learning that they can make a beautiful card and share greetings with people.

This is just one way to make a New Year card. See what other ideas your child brings!

Happy learning!
