If you try to explain the word “hope” to your toddler, it would be not easy.
But if you read her/him a story about hope, your child will understand a little. With repetition of reading and listening to the story, the meaning of hope is going to be fully learned in her/his mind.
We all experience low moments.
Toddler’s low moment can be when he can’t play with a certain toy because another child is playing with that toy.
Preschooler’s low moment can be when she can’t draw a nice circle by herself.
Book “A Flicker of Hope” by Julia Cook

The author, Julia Cook said that this book was not only for little kids but also for big kids. I think that’s right and it’s even good for big big kids like adults. After reading this story, I got teary because the story and the messages from the story were so right and I was grateful to be reminded of them. It is actually the main reason why I share my life and stories online.
The story is about candles helping each other by sharing their lights and boosting each other’s mood.
If you want to know more about this book and learn how to use it to teach your child lessons about growth mindset, listen to the episode 79 of Teacher Gela Podcast.
Activity to add to the story

Happy learning and quality time!
Teacher Gela