How to Make Simple Bubble Play More Meaningful and Memorable

Last week, I talked about bubble.

Did you have moments that you wanted to put yourself in a bubble this week? Hmm, I think I had one moment. Haha. 

With my talk about personal use of the bubble image, I gave you a children book and children song that you can enjoy with your child. But I have other ideas that I want to share with you about bubbles, so we are gonna talk about how to have a meaningful and memorable bubble play time with children this week. 

Have you ever seen a bubble wand made with a pipe cleaner? Pipe cleaner is a craft material that we use often at school for art activities. With this common material, we can make our own bubble wand. Yes, I know that if you buy a bubble solution, a bubble wand comes together. It’s sturdy and easy. You can definitely use that for bubble play. But I want to introduce this craft for a time that you may have a little extra time to spend. 😉 

Personalized Bubble Wand by Everyday Funday
How To Make Bubble Wand by Everyday Funday

This is the bubble wand that I made. Do you like it?

Listen, the point of this craft is not making a bubble wand that makes best bubbles. To make good bubbles, use the one that comes with the bubble solution. The point of this craft is 

  • You are getting personalized bubble wand (feels more special)
  • You are working on the same project with your child 
  • You are spending time together with your child (will possibly be left as a good memory)

To make this craft easier for you, I’m gonna provide you an option of buying a kit. (I talk more about this in the podcast. Listen to it if you want to know why I decided to try this.) 

This is new for me so I’m not sure how it’s gonna go. But I’ll try by next week. If you see a link here, that means it’s available now. 😉 

Don’t feel bad if this is still too much to think and do for you at the moment. The most important part of this bubble play is actually making bubbles together and enjoying time together. 

Go outside. A big park near your house or just in front of your building. Take your bubble solution and bubble wands (it’s good if you can prepare a few different sizes of bubble wand) and make bubbles together. 

To make this time more fun, I made a playlist.

To make this time more meaningful, I made a list of things to ask.

  • How many bubbles did you pop? Count.
  • What do you think is gonna happen to the bubbles that we missed?
  • How far do you think they can go?
  • If you are in the bubble, where do you want to go?
  • If you can be in a bubble whenever you want, would you like to be in there sometimes?
  • How do you think the world looks like from inside of the bubble? 

Alright, if your child is too excited and just running around with bubbles and you can’t get him/her to really listen and think about anything, don’t worry. I’ve got more things for you.

Try blowing the bubbles with your mouth.

Try making a bubble sit on your palm.

Try moving like bubbles. (Or dance like bubbles!)

Don’t forget to listen to the podcast episode if you want to hear all the details about this play.:)

If you have a toddler, check this guide.

Happy learning and quality time!

Teacher Gela