Marble Pattern with Shaving Cream

*Mini Class video coming at the end

Last week, we learned about patterns. We learned what a pattern is, looked for patterns in real life and tried making our own patterns.

This week’s activity is an extension of what we learned last week. 

Let’s learn about a marble pattern. 

Marble pattern can be made when one or more coloured lines make a pattern that looks like a  marble or a swirl. 

Let’s find a marble pattern in real life.

Think about where you can find a marble pattern in real life.

  • Marbling meat
  • Rocks
  • Marble cake
  • Designs (e.g. mugs, plates)
  • Marbles 
Marble Pattern In Real Life

Let’s make a marble pattern.


  • White papers in square shapes (about 5x5cm)
  • Shaving cream
  • Plate
  • Liquid watercolour / liquid paint
  • Toothpicks
  • Plastic knife

What To Do

Tip: All steps can be done by children. Let your child try each step by herself/himself and you can supervise.

5x5cm Paper Squares

On a plate, put some shaving cream.

Shaving Cream On A Plate

Spread the shaving cream with a plastic knife.

Spreading Shaving Cream

Put a few drops of liquid watercolour or liquid paint.

Liquid Watercolour Added To Shaving Cream

Make a swirling pattern on the shaving cream with a toothpick.

Making A Swirling Pattern on Shaving Cream

When you get a marble pattern that you like, put the toothpick down on the side, grab a square paper, put it on top of the pattern and gently press it down.

Gently lift up the square paper and put it on the side. 

Marble Pattern On Paper

Make another pattern.

Making A Pattern On Shaving Cream

Repeat with different colours of paints. 

I tried an acrylic paint as well and it worked fine.

The mint colour is acrylic paint.

Liquid Watercolour And Acrylic Paint

This is a process art activity where we focus on the process of making things rather than the result.

Try mixing one colour, two colours and multiple colours. 

Try moving a toothpick in different ways. 

Try each step slowly. 

Feel the shaving cream as you lift up the paper. 

Allow your child to try different things and work on their interests.

When your child finishes making marble patterns, remove the shaving creams on the papers.

Use the top side of the plastic knife. This can be another fun step.

Tip: If a part of shaving cream is too dry, you can remove it with a facial tissue (Kleenex).

Then dry the papers.

Before Shaving Cream Is Removed
After Shaving Cream Is Removed

As you see, they looked softer with shaving cream, but the marbled patterns were saved well.

You can create other things with the end products if you want.

The end products you will get are pieces of beautiful marble patterned papers. Your child can make different things out of that papers.

I cut my papers into balloon shapes and made a bunch of balloons. 

Art With Marbled Papers
Art With Marbled Papers

You can make a marble patterned house, a marble patterned cow or a marble patterned dress. 😄

Shaving cream is a great material to make a marble pattern. Buy a bottle of shaving cream and try this activity with your little one. You will give your child a wonderful hands-on learning experience and help practicing learning how to learn.

Do you want to do this activity with Missangela?

Bring your materials and let’s do it!

Happy learning and quality time!

Missangela 👩🏻🎀