Summer break has begun!
How are you guys enjoying the summer break?
While I was searching for summer activities, I stumbled on a printable summer schedule for kids on Pinterest. It is a printable schedule from The Pragmatic Parent – check it out here- that you can fill and make your own activity plan.
I really liked the themes that she made for each day – Monday to Friday, and wanted to try making my program plan in this format, too.🙂
So here is the weekly schedule that I made! I made a small change in mine. I put “free play” for Friday, instead of “fun day outdoors” ; because I strongly believe in free play 🙂
I am living in Toronto, so this plan was made with the Torontonians in mind . I am not sure if the strawberry-picking is available in different regions. 😬
For the things that have a pink cupcake beside, further explanations are available below.

Make a name tag for your strawberry bucket
- Find a strawberry picture on the Internet and print it out.
- Children can colour the strawberry with crayons, markers, paints or whatever materials they have.
- They can write their name on the picture.
- Tape the picture on the bucket.

The life cycle of strawberry
Search “life cycle of strawberry” on internet and you can learn about the growth of strawberry. You can easily explain it to children by using the pictorial explanation – you will find many of them under the image section.
If you want to go a little deeper, try searching “life cycle of strawberry” on Pinterest. Fun worksheets can be found there.

Strawberry-infused water

- Slice strawberries.
- Put the sliced strawberries in a cup/jug/bottle.
- Gently pour the water into the cup/jug/bottle.
- Leave it in the fridge for some time – at least 30 minutes.
- Drink it!
You can do this with your little one together and you can make variations on flavours by adding different fruits and herbs to the base. Lemon, cucumber or lime will be a good pair.

If you have lemon juice, you can make strawberry-lemonade by mixing strawberry puree, water and lemon juice together.
If you want a recipe with the exact steps and amount of each ingredient, check this recipe from Laylita’s Recipe. Her strawberry lemonade looks delicious.

Book “The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear” by Don Wood

This story is suitable for both toddlers and preschoolers. It is simple but interesting and you can talk about sharing at the end!

Disguise the strawberry
This will be a good activity after reading the book “The Little Mouse … Big Hungry Bear”.
- Look for the big strawberry picture again that you used for making a name tag for the strawberry bucket.
- Give the strawberry picture to your child with some drawing materials like markers and crayons.
- Ask him/her to disguise the strawberry so it can hide from the Big Hungry Bear.

A lot of summery strawberry activities!
I hope you were able to get some ideas from this post. 🙂