
Play-dough play with Minimal Preparation

I’m starting the first post of the new year 2022 with 4 minimal-prep play ideas.

The one main material we are gonna use is play-dough.

Play-dough is always fun and so versatile. 

If you don’t have any at home, you should buy some and keep them at home for sure.

I sometimes make homemade play-dough and use it for many times, but the store-bought ones can definitely be kept longer without worries. 

The 4 ideas that I’m sharing in the video are made to help moms who are working from home and who need focus time.

Alright, let’s watch the video!

Play-dough play with Minimal Preparation


  • Play-dough
  • Shape drawings 
  • A bottle cap
  • Letter beads/letter tiles/letter stamps
  • Thick straws
  • Q-tips

How To

1.Play-dough with Shape Drawing

      – Fill different shapes with play-dough.

Play-dough Play Picture Guide 1

2. Play-dough with Shape Drawing and a Bottle Cap

     – Make circles with a bottle cap and fill the shapes with your play-dough circles.

Play-dough Play Picture Guide 2

3. Play-dough with Letters

      – Make balls with play-dough and have fun squashing them down with fingers or letters (letter beads / letter stamps / letter tiles / etc.)

      – Printed templates will make the play much more fun and smooth for this one.

(Watch the video to see the templates.)

Play-dough Play Picture Guide 3

4. Play-dough with Thick Straws and Q-tips

      – Fill a short thick straw with play-dough and push the play-dough out of the straw by putting a Q-tip into the straw. 

Play-dough Play Picture Guide 4

Things To Remember

▸ Do them in order.

▸ Use a tray.

▸ Remember that independent play takes practice.

Quote By Teacher Gela

Happy learning and quality time!

Teacher Gela 👩🏻🎀