
Rainbow Pattern Game

It was rainy, cloudy, rainy and cloudy all day long here where I’m living. I don’t really like cloudy days but I like rain and I kind of liked today’s weather. 😆

Do you like this kind of weather?

What would you like to do on a day like this with your child?

I thought about a simple indoor game.

I named it “Rainbow Pattern Game” and it’s a template game. (Print and play. Easy, right?!) 

Rainbow Pattern Game

What You Need

How to Play

  • Learn about pattern

If your child is not familiar with patterns yet, teach about patterns before making the chart.

Pattern is “any regularly repeated arrangement …… made from repeated lines, shapes or colours ……” (Cambridge Dictionary, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/pattern)

These pictures of examples are included in my game templates.

If you don’t want to use my templates, you can draw your own patterns and explain them to your child.

  • Make your pattern chart.

The chart has 6 boxes. Your child can fill each box with different pattern.

Game Template From Everyday Funday
  1. Try making a pattern with repeated lines. (1 colour)
  2. Try making a pattern with repeated shapes. (1 colour)
  3. Try making a pattern with repeated colours.
  4. Try making a pattern with repeated lines and shapes. (1 colour)
  5. Try making a pattern with repeated lines and colours.
  6. Try making a pattern with repeated shapes and colours.

Tip: If making own pattern is too difficult for your child, let your child look at the patterns on the template and copy them to her/his chart.

If the pattern chart is ready, start the game.

  • Each player needs one rainbow template.
Game Template From Everyday Funday
  • Each player will roll a dice once when it’s their turn. If the player gets number 1, the player will fill her/his first line of rainbow with the pattern corresponding to the number 1 in the pattern chart.
  • Repeat rolling the dice and filling the rainbow until everyone’s rainbow is filled. 
My Pattern Chart
My Rainbow

Extended Activity

: Finding Pattern in Real Life

Ask your child to look around the house and find patterns.

Fill the pattern chart with any patterns that your child finds in real life.

Play the game with the patterns in real life.


🦄 Do you want to do this activity with Missangela?

🦄 Play the video and let’s do this together!

Happy learning and quality time!
