Rhyme with My Name || Book “The Beastly Feast” by Bruce Goldstone

The book “The Beastly Feast” came out in 1998.😮 Do you know this book?

I stumbled on this book when I was scrolling through Pinterest. The illustration caught my eyes, so I checked the story.

Did you guess the story from the title of the book? 

Yes, this book talks about rhyming!

I like to play with rhymes with children because it’s a fun way to talk and teach about letters for young children. And the book “The Beastly Feast” introduces rhyming in an even more fun way.

Book “The Beastly Feast” by Bruce Goldstone

Some of the rhymes that I really like from the book are

Bears bring pears

Mosquitoes bring burritos

Bees bring tea

Bunnies bring honey

From “The Beastly Feast” by Bruce Goldstone

So cute, right?

Your child will not only love seeing colourful illustrations but also enjoy the fun rhyming. The thing that I like about using this book to introduce rhymes is that it has a story but it is written in simple sentences. After reading a few times, your child might memorize all the lines and be able to sing it like a song (😁) and it will help your child understand the concept of rhymes better and be more interested in the sounds of letters. (→ Interest in letters → Interest in reading/writing)

But I can’t just stop here as a growth mindset teacher.🙋🏻‍♀️

I want to give children an opportunity to apply this new knowledge (rhyming), so I encourage you to try this activity after reading the book a few times.

Rhyme with My Name


  • Construction paper (any light colour)
  • Photo of your child 
  • Markers

How To

Find a photo of your child.

Remove the background by cutting it off and glue it in the centre of a construction paper.

Write your child’s name above the photo.

Now, sit down with your child and think of things that rhyme with your child’s name. Make a list on a piece of paper. 

I made examples for you.

Examples of Rhymes by Everyday Funday

Your child can pick a few of the items and draw them on the paper that has the photo of your child. 

Help writing the name of the item above each picture. 

Example of Activity – Rhyme with My Name by Everyday Funday


Now play this video and learn the chant/song that I made🙈.

Activity/Song with the Book “The Beastly Feast”

Insert the things that rhyme with your child’s name at the end.😁

Learning Goals

✦ Learning about rhymes

✦ Making reading fun

✦ Being a part of the story (→ Self-esteem)

✦ Playing with own name (→ Self-esteem

Messages that We Want to Add

You are invited and you’ll be welcomed in the party. (Just follow the rules of the party 😜)

You are creative! (While finding the rhymes of name)

You have many clever ideas! (While finding the rhymes of name)

You can bring so much to the table (party)! 

When we work together, we can bring even more!

This book will be the book that your child likes to read alone again and again.💕

Happy learning and quality time!

Teacher Gela 👩🏻🎀