
Waiting for Daffodils | Patience

Wow we entered into April!

Finally it’s an okay time to wait for spring! 🤪

(Although it’s snowing outside right now.)

As we get close to the end of April, we will get more warm days.

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you are waiting for spring? 

It’s flowers on a sunny day for me! 

Do you have plants or flowers around your house? 

I have snowdrops and tulips on our front yard.

But this year, I want to see daffodils, so I’m gonna go to a garden centre and get some daffodils.

Daffodil is one of the earliest spring flowers and it’s definitely the sign of spring.

So, in the first week of April, waiting for spring, I would like to introduce an activity about daffodils. 😊⚘⚘

Learn about Daffodil

Here are some facts about daffodil.

Facts about Daffodil for Preschoolers by Everyday Funday

Making Daffodil


How to

Make a petal shape with paper roll.

Roll the play-dough and cut out petal shapes with the paper roll.

Put the petals together and make a daffodil.

Play-dough Daffodils | Preschool Play Idea by Everyday Funday
Play-dough Daffodils by Everyday Funday
Play-dough Daffodils by Everyday Funday

Photos of Daffodils

I recommend playing the daffodil video while your child is making daffodils with play-dough. It will help your child focus and be in the mood for creating own daffodils.😊

Talk About Patience

Talking About Patience

Learning goals

✦ Learning about daffodil

✦ Being creative while making own daffodils

✦ Talking about patience which is critical in growth mindset

Happy learning and quality time!

Teacher Gela 👩🏻🎀