Watercolour Heart

How was your Valentine’s Day? Did you do anything special with family?

I was planning to have a nice dinner and dessert with my husband, but I started not feeling well from the morning of 14th and I didn’t have much energy to do anything. So, it was just like a regular day. 😐 Or maybe a little down.

But, Valentine’s Day is not the only day to celebrate the love for each other, right? If you are in Ontario, Canada – or few other provinces- like me, we have Family Day right after Valentine’s Day this year. So if you missed a chance to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your family, like me, don’t be too sad. We still have an opportunity to share our love on 15th. 😝 

I will show you an activity that all family members can do together. It doesn’t require special materials, so if you have a time to sit together with family, set this up quickly and have a quality family time. 


  • White construction papers
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Hole punch 
  • Markers
  • Ziplock bags
  • Spray bottle
  • String
  • Straws 
Materials for Watercolour Heart

Learn to make a heart

Fold a white construction paper 2 times and cut it into 4 pieces. 

Fold one of the 4 pieces and draw the half of heart.

*In the photo, folded side was on the right.

Cut it out, open the paper and you get a heart. 

You can show your child how s/he can draw the half of heart.

Let your child try making hearts by herself/himself

Try making different sizes and different shapes of hearts.

Colour your hearts

Prepare a ziplock bag and markers.

Colour the ziplock bag with markers.

Spray some water on the ziplock bag with spray bottle.

Bring one of your heart and put it on top of the ziplock bag. 

Gently press the heart down – Make sure the whole heart is wet. 

Lift up the heart and put it on a tray to dry.

Repeat the process with the rest of hearts. 

Let all the hearts dry completely.

Make a necklace

Once the hearts are dry, make a hole on them with a hole punch.

Watercolour Hearts

Bring a string or yarn and some straws cut into small pieces.

Thread the coloured hearts and straws on the string. 

Tie a knot and you got a necklace. 

Paper Heart Necklace
Paper Heart Necklace

Markers and sprayed water on a ziplock bag make a beautiful watercolour effect. Your little learner will have so much fun in the process.  If they can even wear their art pieces? It can’t be better!😁

I hope you can make some family time and try this activity together.

Happy learning and quality time!


Video Instruction