Be in a Dreamy Time with Your Child – with Book “Over the Rainbow” 

We have sad times. 

And do you know what? Children may have sad times, too. 

They might not notice that they are feeling sad but we, humans, all go through different feelings in our lives. 

If there are prominent reasons, we can try to solve the problems or just get rid of the reasons. 

For example, if your child gets sad whenever it’s time to leave playground and go home, you can maybe get similar toys for him, that can be played indoors. 

But in the real world, the causes of sad feeling are not always so visible. Sometimes we can get sad from poor night sleep or cloudy days. Those are hard to spot, right?

For those days, I recommend today’s play. 

It’s not only for children but also for you.

Book “Over the Rainbow” by E.Y. Harburg (lyric) and Eric Puybaret (illustration)
Book “Over the Rainbow” by Judy Collins (perform) and Eric Puybaret (illustration)

Yes, it’s a book that was made, based on the classical song “Over the Rainbow”. 

“Somewhere over the rainbow
way up high
In the land that I heard of 
Once in a lullaby”

from song “Over the rainbow” by E.Y. hARBURG

Do you like this song?

If you do, I really recommend to get this book to use it over and over again with your child. 

This book has beautiful illustrations and they can help you and your child go right into the dreamy world while you are listening to the song or singing in your voice. 

We don’t need to talk much.

We don’t need to try to find what’s wrong.

Sometimes we just need a break from the busy real world and to be able to imagine and dream. 

Sometimes we just want to see the world that only has beautiful things and fun things. 

A rainbow path that we can walk on? 

Jumping from one planet to the other? 

Catching a star in the night sky? 

All so dreamy and happy. 

You can read this book anytime but I think it would be great for a bedtime story. If you have an extra time after reading the book (singing the book), you can have a small conversation with your child, too. I know I said we don’t need to talk much. This is just a suggestion for the special time that you have extra energy or time.😉

Listen to podcast episode for more detailed guide about this quality time.

“Over the Rainbow” sung by Judy Collins in the book

You can listen here.

Activity that I mentioned in the podcast
Book “Over the Rainbow” Activity by Everyday Funday

Happy learning and quality time!

Teacher Gela