Practice Finding Happiness in You with Your Little One – with Book “Where Happiness Begins”

Do you like to talk about or think about happiness?

Happiness in your family, happiness at your work, happiness in your personal life, happiness at the moment etc.

Happiness is an important value in my life and I’m so happy to introduce this book to you.

Book “Where Happiness Begins” by Eva Eland
Book “Where Happiness Begins” By Eva Eland

I loved the book cover and I had to check the story inside.

The story is a little bit hard for toddlers but good to try with preschoolers. 

You might think that happiness is a too hard concept to talk with young children, and yes, I understand your concern. But, this book is made for children and I appreciate the author/illustrator’s expression of happiness. Do you see the pink blob in the picture?

Book “Where Happiness Begins” By Eva Eland

The pink blob is happiness. 

😍Isn’t she cute?

The pink blob makes it easier to understand happiness.

And, I talked about more ways to make this book meaningful and fun for children in the episode 74 of Teacher Gela Podcast.

The biggest reason why I decided to recommend this book is because you will enjoy it as well as your child. 

Listen to episode 74 and learn all the details about using this book for your quality time this week!

Happy learning and quality time!

Teacher Gela