Isn’t it nice word?
That word instantly gives me a breeze-like-feeling.☁️💙
How is your life?
How are your days these days?
Are they packed with responsibilities?
Or with plans? With house chores? With thoughts?
I think my days have been okay but my brain has been actually packed these days.
I was sick for a few days (so, off from work) and the project that I wanted to start from like two weeks ago hasn’t been launched yet. The weather is amazing and my desire to spend more time outside is getting bigger.
Well, but the nice weather and my changing desires don’t mean that my to-do list at work and home will get changed. Things that I have to do are still there and I just have more things that I want to do. Hahaha🤣
I was looking for a book about ducks for this week’s lesson and when I found this book, I was so happy.
Book “Ducks!” By Deborah Underwood and T.L.McBeth

Do you know why?
Because this book was so simple and spacious!
My packed brain and mind were so happy to meet this simple story and pictures.
Look at this.

We are living in a day that is overstimulated almost all the time.
In the state of overstimulation, our brain and mind can get tired faster and everything may get slowed down as a result.
If you are exhausted by too long to-do list, too long wish list and too many responsibilities, grab this book and include your child in the time, too. (I guess, having a quality time with your child is in your list, too, right?)
Look at the clean and spacious pictures of the book and let your mind tell the story.
If you want to learn more about this play, listen to the podcast episode 52.🙂
In the podcast, you get the guided mindful moment that is made for adults.💙
Would you like to give your child an opportunity to have a mindful moment as well?
Here is a short children version. (It’s more like mindful lesson. :))

Happy learning and quality time!
Teacher Gela