It’s July. It’s officially summer. (Heh heh, in my world!)
But really, it’s time to acknowledge that the summer is here and it’s time to plan to enjoy.
Do you have plans for this summer?
I’m starting teaching in summer camp tomorrow and it will keep me busy for almost whole month. The fact that we will have different themes and more outdoor play time is fun but since I’ll be tied to the work most of the days, I’m not very excited yet.🥲
But then I thought, the summer work is taking up half of summer. If I don’t enjoy it, I’ll be just losing the precious time.
So I got into this job of finding a way to put myself in the summer vibe NOW. And I thought, “if I find it, I want to share it with you.”
Luckily, not long after I started to look for ideas, I found this book.

It’s a children book. Do you know that I love illustrations in the children books? With a magical story, the illustrations in children books are the best trigger for me for daydreaming.

Look at this picture.
What do you think? Stop what you are doing for a second and let your imagination come out.
The story of this book is very dreamy and magical. It’s about four children playing in the forest. Oh, but they are not regular children. They are from a little-forest-people family. 🙊
If you knew about this book, you are lucky! I only found this book a few days ago!
This book was written a long time ago by a Swedish author and illustrator. I guess it might be very famous in Sweden……?
After reading this book, I could feel myself hopeful and excited about summer. Really.
And I made a Mindful Moment to help you and your child have this experience, too.
The book shows the children’s adventurous life throughout all different seasons but I focused on summer only.
You can check the story on Youtube or get the actual book – for reading it again and again!, and listen to my Mindful Moment in the podcast episode 56 of Teacher Gela Podcast (down below) I really hope you feel excited about this dear summer time and have as much fun as possible💗 because time flies. If we don’t plan to do things and intentionally work for them, the time will fly by while we are just focusing on doing our best on every day of our life.
If you want to get more resources for enjoying summer with your child, I made a guide.
Summer Outdoor Activity Books Guide
You can purchase it with the link and start planning for a nice summer with your little one.
Feel free to come back to this post and remind yourself of having a good summer this year.😉
Happy learning and quality time!
Teacher Gela