Put Yourself in a Rainbow Bubble when You Want to Protect Yourself – Book “You Can’t Kiss a Bubble”

Have you ever wished to be in a bubble?

I imagine myself being in a bubble whenever I realize that I’m being negatively affected by outside factors. Wouldn’t it be nice to be in a clear, rainbow-coloured bubble and to be protected by a beautifying filter? 

The coworker’s work style that makes you work double at your job doesn’t hurt you so much because it is shown through a beautifying filter and you can think that “It is a good opportunity for me to share my skills and help others.” The hot workplace without air conditioning doesn’t hurt you so much because it is coming to you through a beautifying filter and you can think that “This is really summer. It will be one of my funny summer memories.” The car driver who cut you off violently. You think “Oh, someone doesn’t have manner. I’m glad I’m a driver with manner. I’m glad I’m patient and good at self-regulation” because the beautifying filter provides a room and time for negative things to fall off. 

Sounds magical to me.😌🌙 Haha.

But, isn’t it ultimately the state of being that we want to be? 

This is my goal.

Last week, I had days that I didn’t sleep well therefore suffered extreme tiredness at work. I managed to do my job at work but I became an over-sensitive and super-annoyed person at home in the evening. I didn’t get mad without reasons though, I didn’t like seeing myself being that kind of person. 

Then I thought about the “bubble layer”. The bubble layer is like a layer that can protect you by wrapping you in a closed sphere. One of the entrepreneurs that I like talked about this and ever since I heard of it, I think about it when I’m affected by negative things that are outside of me. 

This bubble image came to my mind last week again when I found myself being overly sensitive and letting myself annoyed. 

It was a little funny and sad because it made me see my weak self. But after imagining a big bubble around me and all the negative things bouncing off at the bubble layer, I laughed and I felt lighter. I also felt hopeful. 

Whether you ever thought of this “bubble layer” for you before or not, try imagining it when you are stressed from things that are outside of you. You can use my Mindful Moment (Play the podcast below!) to have a focused meditation time. 

For women who want to have a quality time with children at the same time, I recommend reading the book “You Can’t Kiss a Bubble” by Karen A. Wyle and Sisky Kalla. This book talks about the characteristics of bubble and a life lesson at the end. A lesson that is not only useful but also very important for young children. 

Book “You Can’t Kiss a Bubble” by Karen A. Wyle and Sisky Kalla

Book “You Can’t Kiss a Bubble” by Karen A. Wyle

It’s one of the lines in the book.

Quote from Book “You Can’t Kiss a Bubble”

Listen to the Teacher Gela Podcast Ep.57 and you’ll also learn a fun bubble song (but in my version!😉 More suitable for mindful time!)

Bubble Song

“Let’s Blow a Bubble” by Rhymington Square 

Mindful Moment about Bubble by Teacher Gela

One more thing. If you’re still not sure of what you are gonna do with your little one during the summer break, check this 🍉 Summer Outdoor Activity Book Guide. 🍉

Happy learning and quality time!

Teacher Gela