Winter is the slow-down
Winter is the search for self
Winter gives the silence we need to listen
Winter goes gray so we can see our own colors—Terri Guillemets
I’m glad that I found this book and I can introduce it to you this winter.
Book “Ten Ways to Hear Snow” by Cathy Camper (Illustrated by Kenard Pak)

A peaceful winter day, isn’t it?
The story inside the book is even more peaceful.
Lina, the girl in the book cover, goes to a grandma’s place on one winter day. It was a day after blizzard and she wanted to check her grandma and share the snow day.
On her way, she heard snow in different ways.
When it was being shovelled,
When it was falling down from a tree,
When it was swept away from a car.
Scraaaape, scrip, scraaaape, scrip.
Swish-wish, swish-wish.
Lina was being observant and mindful.
In the grandma’s house, she made a special dish with her grandma and found the 10th way of hearing snow.
This book is written in a calm way and it can be a great book to read with your child when you want to have some mindfulness in your life.
Listen to the episode 80 of Teacher Gela Podcast. You will be able to learn the important points that you want to talk about with your child and ways to extend the story and bring it to your own life.
Two activities that can go with the story are in the episode, too.😊

Happy learning and quality time!
Teacher Gela