You Can Have a Quiet Time with Your Child with Book “The Quiet Book”

How is your week going?

Busy as usual?

If you are craving a quiet time, you are in the right place.

I’m gonna show you how to have a quiet time with your child at home.

Book “The Quiet Book” by Deborah Underwood and Renata Liwska
Book “The Quiet Book” by Deborah Underwood (Author) and Renata Liwska (Illustrator)

Does that book cover interest you?

Think about it. If you can do “Shhh” to your child and have a quiet time just for like 30 minutes?

“The Quiet Book” shows all kinds of quiet that children may see or experience in their real or imaginary world. 

“First snowfall quiet”
“Bedtime kiss quiet”

– book “The Quiet Book”

Learn about this peaceful and enchanting book and a way to have a quiet time after reading this book. It’s all in the episode 86 of Teacher Gela Podcast.

Quiet Colouring Play

Happy learning and quality time!

Teacher Gela